Day 276 of Wonder
The season is changing and with the recent rains everything is weighted by density and water. In an almost monotone of green and dark...

Day 275 of Wonder
"We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and to know the place for the...

Day 274 of Wonder
Grape picking has started in earnest this year and the morning has started with the ground soaked from the rains last night. I love these...

Day 273 of Wonder
Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. -Rachel Carson

Day 272 of Wonder
What a stunning morning! Sometimes I wish I could share these wonderful moments with everyone. I am truly blessed. Daily wonder is not...

Day 271 of Wonder
There's an old Scandinavian saying that goes something like this: 'There's no bad weather, just bad clothing.' Rain, hail or shine, my...

Day 270 of Wonder
Strong lines, stark colours, contrasts and latent energy. It feels a little like everything is waiting. I never tire of seeing the open...

Day 269 of Wonder
Stunning, awesome, delicate wonder of the universe. A little research suggests it's the rayed variety of Black Knapweed. Why it is called...

Day 268 of Wonder
Morning dew. Such a small flower but each petal contains countless dew drops. Feel such wonder in the moment of seeing this. A true...

Day 267 of Wonder
Almost all of the sunflowers I saw had their heads facing towards the ground, as if too tired to lift their them towards the sun. This...