Day 356 of Wonder
So many muted colours at the moment and yet these berries dazzle with their vibrancy and their frosted icing. I can see where the...

Day 348 of Wonder
A feast for the eyes. Colours, textures, shapes, all nestled together in a sunny patch of the world. In a grey world this leaped into my...

Day 300 of Wonder
The rains have finally come and after a night of almost constant flow, everything is looking saturated. Just near the end of my walk I...

Day 294 of Wonder
Juicy luscious berries. As everything else prepares itself for winter, these wonders of nature are coming out to play.

Day 292 of Wonder
Oh how easy it is to not see. To believe that all that is possible to see has already been seen. That after countless walks along the...

Day 288 of Wonder
The star radius of this cluster is what attracted my eye. This length of hedge is bursting with various small black, red and white...