Day 355 of Wonder
Hard to escape these morning sunrise images at the moment. My morning walks inevitably are in the dark or as the sun peeps above the...

Day 349 of Wonder
It's a strange time of the year. Everything starts to feel more still. Quiet. Restful. The energy over spring and summer has come to an...

Day 344 of Wonder
Frosty foggy mornings have not stopped these little insects from coming out in droves. Spotting them swarming crazily around these leaves...

Day 24 of Wonder
When I was a child I dreamed of castles and palaces and snow etched scenes. They were as exotic a dream as possible from the Australian...

Day 23
The mysteries of a random seat for rest, contemplation and a kind of soaking in of the surrounds. Leaf strewn dirt steps cut into the...

22 Days of Wonder
"Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else and thinking something different." - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Winner of...
Day 21 of Wonder
The morning is clear and crisp and the sound of water running along its designated path makes me stop and pause. Such a clear sound when...

Day 20 of Wonder
My hands ached with the cold as I tried to capture this frosty twig swaying in the breeze. What I captured instead was the amazing layers...

Day 18 of Wonder
What is a moment of wonder except the transforming of the seen by the seer?

Day 2 of Wonder
The Neckar on a Winter Morning