Day 336 of Wonder
Ripe for the picking. Delicious looking berries hanging for any bird or beast of the field to take. As a beast of the field, I'm a little...

Day 335 of Wonder
"We do not see everything in the environment in the complete, totally resolved, explicit character of the photograph. We, in fact,...

Day 334 of Wonder
Beautiful frozen droplets lying carefully on random leaves. The nights are dropping below freezing point and many shaded spaces remain...

Day 333 of Wonder
Good Morning world! How amazing that something as simple and awesome as the sun rising, can create such stunning colours and mood. Every...

Day 332 of Wonder
It's almost impossible to avoid rainy pictures in the month of November. Today it has been barely a drizzle but this fine mist leaves an...

Day 331 of Wonder
Single leaf clinging to a tree in a forest settling in for the winter to come. The changing seasons is a constant wonder. Life and death....

Day 330 of Wonder
The way raindrops look when they remain discreet individuals on a leaf. That's where wonder lives. The magic of contrasts and how water...

Day 329 of Wonder
I'm in love with this time of year. The light. The textures. The aromas. Stunning skies. Beauty etched in every corner. Every crevice....

Day 328 of Wonder
Sunflower sentinels standing rigid in the morning light. Gone are the glorious yellow faces but their darkened shapes are a perfect...

Day 327 of Wonder
Stunning sunrises over the past few days and as I crawled into Bietigheim-Bissingen I managed to take a few snapshots through this...