Day 306 of Wonder
The air had a crisp autumn flavour to it this morning with just this small patch of frost remaining low on the ground. I love the way the...

Day 305 of Wonder
Autumn mornings. The sky feels like an impossible blue verging on purple. It's hue could probably be placed in the cobalt blue arena but...

Day 304 of Wonder
"The workings of the human heart are the profoundest mystery of the universe. One moment they make us despair of our kind, and the next...

Day 303 of Wonder
Mist shrouded morning with the air so moist it felt like fine rain. Love the lichen and moss speckling the roof top on this vineyard hut....

Day 302 of Wonder
"The real mystery of life is not a problem to be solved, it is a reality to be experienced." -J.J. Van der Leeuw

Day 301 of Wonder
After months of being pruned and weeded and sprayed and controlled, the vineyards are finally allowed to grow wild. The grapes have been...

Day 299 of Wonder
Hiro has discovered the joys of mice hunting and despite my calls across the fields for him to come, his head remained buried in a hole....

Day 298 of Wonder
Rain and mist were the dominate aspects of today's walk in the forest adding mystery and eeriness as we ventured deeper into its folds....

Day 297 of Wonder
Mushrooms fascinate me. Even the name mushroom is an 'umbrella' name (pun intended) that covers various forms of fungi that sprout out of...

Day 296 of Wonder
Each day showcases another stunning display of reds, oranges and yellows. These amazing leaves change over several days creating an...