Day 27 of Wonder

A few days ago we lost power in our apartment. Actually it was the whole building, a house made of sandstone built over 160 years ago. For those couple of hours everything felt fragile. The realisation that my whole life is dependent on power made me feel strangely vulnerable. The irony does not escape me that we are surrounded by various power sources, with these monoliths cutting a swathe across fields not far from our home. I've never understood electricity. Not really. Or how we trap it, use it, manipulate it. When you walk under these wires you can hear the energy rattling along the wires, going somewhere, for someone to use.
On the morning I took this photo I could not escape the idea that lying in front of me were two power sources. One that is ancient, filled with minerals (and probably pesticides) and essential to my survival. And one, that has become almost equally essential to my life. I wonder what the people who built the town would say, if they could have peaked into the future to see how we chose to live. Would they be filled with wonder or fear?