Day 4 of Wonder
Defining Wonder
Have you ever wondered about wonder? Over the years has wonder shifted from awe and amazement to an expression of a polite request? According to Oxford Online Dictionary, Wonder has many possibilities. Check them out below and decide which ones you use the most today. When was the last time you felt wonder as a feeling of curiosity or a sense of amazement?

Wonder as a noun means:
A feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar
A thing or a quality of something that causes wonder
A person or thing regarded as very good, remarkable, or effective
Having remarkable properties or abilities (as a modifier) eg. a wonder dog
A surprising event or situation
Wonder as a verb means:
Desire to know something; feel curious
Used to express a polite question or request
Feel doubt eg. 'even dogs are bound to wonder about the source of their food.'
Feel admiration and amazement; marvel
Feel surprise