Day 90 of Wonder

The idea of daily wonder was to seek out each day something/anything that touched me with a sense of wonder. Some days have been filled with these moments and I've been hard pressed to choose just one to share. Other days wonder has been harder to find and the very act of considering wonder has opened up my heart, even if for just a moment, to wonder, in the every-day. This picture is not one that I took recently but one that fills me with renewed wonder at the moment I was in the air taking this picture. Afraid of heights, I was gripped with fear as the balloon lifted off the ground. I seriously considered crumpling onto the cramped floor space as my heart raced and my legs went to jelly. Afraid I was, but the idea that I might miss out on this adventure because of it, kept my knees locked and my hands gripping the side of the basket. I'm beyond grateful that I persevered. The memory of this flight stayed with me for days, including how I pushed through the fear despite how overwhelmed I felt by it at first. The mountains in the distance are the Alps and laid out underneath is one of the prettiest areas in southern Germany, the Allgäu. A truly magical moment.