Day 91 of Wonder

I can't help but wonder what this book is really for. A list of places to see before I die seems a very personal one. But here, in a nicely bound, beautifully illustrated book is someone's list of places worthy of seeing.
The more important question might be: If you wrote this book, what would those places be? Your garden? Your city? Your neighbourhood? What about your favourite café or view from the train window on the way to work? And over time, does your list change?
What is your criteria for a place worthy of a visit? What do you need for somewhere to make you think, I'd love to show (insert name of person) this place, or, the world is a better place for having this (insert name of place/thing) here. Or perhaps it is a feeling. A place that makes you stand still for a moment in awe and wonder or gasp involuntarily out loud. Or perhaps it is a place intermingled with great people, laughter and other rich emotions.
In my experience, some of the best places have been the ones most unexpected. The ones not planned. The ones that have been hiding in plain sight or just around a corner. Allowing wonder in your life makes this list almost unnecessary. You experience the richness of life in the every-day. You don't have to wait till you have enough time or resources. It is available in the here and now.