Day 98 of Wonder

One of the awesome things about my Carl Zeis Lens on my Nokia 925 is the amazing clarity it brings to the small things. But I don't have a lot of control over what is manages to focus on. I have to hold my hand steady and ensure the lens is a certain discreet distance from the object before I am rewarded by a pure un-blurred view of the object I'm focusing on. The pay-offs are huge however. I'm as much in awe of the world around me as I capture it detail by detail as I am by the lens that allows me to do so.
Until recently I've been a big picture person. Taking in the whole in one sweeping image rather than seeing the details before me. A new world of possibilities unfolds when detail is seen in such clarity. The downside is that the world around the minute is missed, unseen. Just as my camera focuses on the object in front of it, blurring out the background, we also can too easily get so focused on one thing that we miss out on what surrounds it. We see beauty, but not the context of that beauty. We see detail but not what supports that detail. The variety. The magic of complexity.
On the other side of that is the introduction to the complexity in the simple. The one. Perhaps the key is to be able to zoom into the detail to see the wonder of each thing individually, and to also zoom out again and see how it interacts with the world it is in.