Day 127 of Wonder

So often it's the simple things. The overlooked things, that can engender a sense of wonder. Wild-flowers any time of the year do that for me. And these delicate white flowers with their spindly long yellow stamen clustered together in a small opening within the forest canopy are no exception.
There are certain sections in the forest when I put my head down and focus on the ground in front. These sections are usually steep and relentless. I get fixated on the idea of getting to the top, or at least to the less treacherous part, and don't pause to take in my surroundings except for a few cursory glances and an eye on my dog. This section was no exception. But ever since I started my 365 Day of Wonder challenge I intentionally engage with the world around me in a more meaningful, or at least observant way.
I allowed the hidden promise of these flowers to lure me off the over-grown track. The reward? An idea of the individual, within a collective, against the backdrop of the global? Yes, that. But also, quite simply, there is a kind of magic in this age old display of random beauty. Wonder-ful.