Day 152 of Wonder

I left the house with the sun shining and the promise of a light and bright day. What I hadn't noticed till I skirted the top of the rise I was climbing, were the dark brooding clouds rolling in from the south. Mesmerised somewhat by them, I totally missed this bird hovering persistently above a grassy field. Precious moments passed as I scrambled to get my camera out and ready. Just as my finger pushed down on the screen (I'm using my smartphone camera) it swerved away, as if it knew I was finally ready. Later on I missed another stunning opportunity when a hawk leapt out of overhead branches. It squawked its greeting as it flew full circle around me and finally settled on some trees beyond my eyesight.
Am I a little frustrated with myself? Yes. Two beautiful opportunities missed in the matter of half an hour. But did I feel wonder both times? Oh, yes! That is partly why I missed them. It takes my brain half a minute to catch up with the idea that I could be taking a photo of this moment, not just gaping at it with my mouth wide open. There is always next time.