Day 200 of Wonder

In celebration of an amazing 200 days of wonder I stumbled across this flower arrangement nestling in the fields. It wasn't so much a wow moment as a laugh out loud moment. How does nature contrive such things? Or are we always going to be imitating nature? Do we find it appealing because it is familiar? But this is not a blog intended for philosophical meanderings, although it is not not that. So I'll stick to the idea of celebrating.
When I started this blog 200 days ago, I had no idea if I would get through the first month. After all it was a personal project that I was open to pursuing but aware that sometimes things just get in the way. And here I am. 200 days later, understanding that wonder is a choice and that I've committed myself to making it a daily one. It is a habit I don't want to stop. It's become a part of me. Wonder-full!