Day 355 of Wonder
Hard to escape these morning sunrise images at the moment. My morning walks inevitably are in the dark or as the sun peeps above the...

Day 305 of Wonder
Autumn mornings. The sky feels like an impossible blue verging on purple. It's hue could probably be placed in the cobalt blue arena but...

Day 290 of Wonder
October sky with a summer feel. Balloons gently floating across the sky are the biggest interruptions to the otherwise intense blue sky....

Day 289 of Wonder
"He is short-sighted who looks only on the path he treads and the wall on which he leans." -Kahlil Kibran

Day 245 of Wonder
If you've been following my days of wonder you might see this image as nothing new. The reality is, some days the wonder of everything is...

Day 236 of Wonder
The moon hanging high in the morning sky. It almost looks like this jet plane is heading straight for it as it wings its way across the...

Day 227 of Wonder
Clear blue sky and a walk in the vineyards. Hard to beat really. It's Sunday before 9am and everything is quiet except for the occasional...

Day 221 of Wonder
This sunflower just seems impossibly big. A seed blown by the wind or dropped by a passing bird, has found fertile soil, taken hold and...

Day 193 of Wonder
"It is easy to suppose that few people realize on that occasion, which comes to all of us, when we look at the blue sky for the first...

Day 163 of Wonder
The sky yesterday caught my breath. Boennigheim seems to be in a magical part of the world where the skies seem so much bigger than in...