Day 344 of Wonder
Frosty foggy mornings have not stopped these little insects from coming out in droves. Spotting them swarming crazily around these leaves...

Day 338 of Wonder
The inherent mysteries of an old tree hollowed out and yet standing. A sentinel guarding an orchard. Perhaps home to myriad life forms...

Day 254 of Wonder
It's such a pleasure to stumble across old fruit trees, in this case an apple variety, when surrounded by well manicured orchards and...

Day 154 of Wonder
Two summers ago, late in the season I saw this guy, in the same orchard field, lying on his side. My first instinct had been concern, but...

Day 148 of Wonder
It's been called Germany's Tuscany by some and I can see why. The energy, wide open sky, acres of vineyards, orchards and flowering...

Day 123 of Wonder
"Squint a lot." - Robert Levers