Day 32 of Wonder
The wonder of a foggy day. Mist shrouding trees and smothering the world around with moist air. What is there not to find amazing in...

Day 31 of Wonder
The sweep of clouds across a vast sunlit sky. Stop, pause, absorb. There are rare moments when I'm not enamoured by the shifting,...

Day 30 of Wonder
I know. A sunrise? Really? They are everyday occurrences and this one is not overly special, is it? Well actually, yes it is. Because I...

Day 29 of Wonder
“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” - William Butler Yeats

Day 28 of Wonder
Have you ever hugged a tree, or at least felt the urge to?Hugging a tree is a little like hugging a person. If you just go in for the...

Day 26 of Wonder
Australia Day! Celebrated by many, mourned by many others. Let's face it today, is a celebration for a nation of immigrants. Modern...

Day 24 of Wonder
When I was a child I dreamed of castles and palaces and snow etched scenes. They were as exotic a dream as possible from the Australian...

Day 23
The mysteries of a random seat for rest, contemplation and a kind of soaking in of the surrounds. Leaf strewn dirt steps cut into the...

22 Days of Wonder
"Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else and thinking something different." - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Winner of...
Day 21 of Wonder
The morning is clear and crisp and the sound of water running along its designated path makes me stop and pause. Such a clear sound when...