Day 206 of Wonder
"The finest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true...

Day 205 of Wonder
The forest is alive with so much information at the moment, you could be forgiven for not seeing anything specific and yet seeing it all....

Day 204 of Wonder
Getting up early this morning was not the easiest thing but the fresh air and this gorgeous sunrise were ample reward for the effort. A...

Day 203 of Wonder
I've travelled this route once a week for six weeks and only last week did I notice this town clinging to the side of the hill. The...

Day 202 of Wonder
The world from a different perspective. A field of cut grass that acts as a landing strip for light planes is also a favourite doggy...

Day 201 of Wonder
A beautiful summer's morning and my walk took me past small garden plots, a noisy tennis court, fields of sunflowers yet to open, open...

Day 200 of Wonder
In celebration of an amazing 200 days of wonder I stumbled across this flower arrangement nestling in the fields. It wasn't so much a wow...

Day 199 of Wonder
I staple of many diets, fields of wheat are everywhere and therefore potentially overlooked. For me, however it constantly offers up wow...

Day 198 of Wonder
The tenacity of plants never cease to amaze me. Usually they are scrubby little things, holding onto life in the smallest of crevices....

Day 197 of Wonder
If I could find a way to make this my day job, I would. Discovering wonder in the every day never gets tiring. Another every day walk but...