Day 196 of Wonder
It's so hard not to get cliched around vineyards but they really are as amazing as they look in photos. This photo opportunity jumped at...

Day 195 of Wonder
Once a week I get to drive to the Black Forest to work. Intentionally I arrive ahead of schedule so that I can park in this spot to have...

Day 194 of Wonder
This route is so familiar to me I started to wonder if I would see anything new or wonderful for the next couple of months. I was totally...

Day 193 of Wonder
"It is easy to suppose that few people realize on that occasion, which comes to all of us, when we look at the blue sky for the first...

Day 192 of Wonder
Another wonder-filled morning. A new walk and surprise after surprise. Turned a corner in the dense forest and saw this. I feel so...

Day 191 of Wonder
I felt peace and connection today walking through the forest with a distant sky peering overhead. Summer invites you to walk with head...

Day 190 of Wonder
What a gorgeous day for a picnic. This little magic place is between forest, field and town. A kind of wide open sky place that invites...

Day 189 of Wonder
I don't often get the chance to do this walk. Within a minute the sounds of traffic have faded to a far distant echo and the intensity of...

Day 188 of Wonder
This morning's treat included warmth, fresh morning light and lush roses. This rose bush was so heavy with these gorgeous roses the...

Day 187 of Wonder
An abstract moment. This fading poppy and bud contrast against pavement and fence. I constantly marvel at the tenacity of poppies and...