Day 106 of Wonder
Yesterday we had an unexpected visitor. This stunning kestrel had flown into a third story window which resisted his flight and thrust...

Day 105 of Wonder
The humble dandelion in a sea of grass opening its face to the morning sun. The countless petals unfurling to the light show an...

Listen to Day 104 of Wonder
This morning's walk through the forest offered up this beautiful, spine tingling cry. Wolves that are housed in a nearby Wilderness park...

Day 103 of Wonder
Nature finds ways to regenerate even in the crevices of an old stone wall. New growth contrasts with the old as this lush plant thrives...

Day 102 of Wonder
Our latest edition to our indoor garden is stunningly beautiful. The pink fronds of this exotic flower contrast amazingly with its muted...

Day 101 of Wonder
A unique moment when the song of birds and the movement of grass synchronised and instead of the wind being the mover, the grass itself...

100 Days of Daily Wonder
The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer. - Edward R. Murrow

Day 99 of Wonder
Sweeping views across the valleys today with low slung clouds, freshly blossomed trees and vines just starting to push forth their new...

Day 98 of Wonder
One of the awesome things about my Carl Zeis Lens on my Nokia 925 is the amazing clarity it brings to the small things. But I don't have...

Day 97 of Wonder
It's that time of year when the night's rain clears to reveal a morning of blue skies and everything underneath it washed clean. Buds of...