Day 73 of Wonder
The humble daffodil declaring its early entrance into spring. After months of diminishing light and bleak muted colours, this bold yellow...

Day 72 of Wonder
These small delicious looking beauties are just pushing their gorgeous yellow heads up through the dry leafy mould to bring a ray of...

Day 71 of Wonder
A discarded home nestles amidst twigs, dead leaves, soil and blades of new grass. So small, I would have not seen it except for the...

Day 70 of Wonder
The first blossoms are bravely opening their faces to the wintry sun. After months of bare branches that allow unhindered views through...

Day 69 of Wonder
It's the simple things in life. An excellent glass of Rioja from Spain fills the pallet with sensations that are accompanied by sighs of...

Day 68 of Wonder
Frosty mornings have their own enchantment. This morning was no exception. Ice crystallised on the edges of each petal and blade of grass...

Day 67 of Wonder
Three contrasting energies. The temporary, the ancient and the rejuvenated. Remaining snow from the day before hugs the base of this...

Day 66 of Wonder
In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. - John Muir

Day 65 of Wonder
We grew up on tales such as Little Red Riding Hood and big bad wolves. These stories have created for many a strange prejudice towards...

Day 64 of Wonder
Who can resist sharing the thoughts of great minds? Certainly not I. As I walked through the woods this morning on an extended hike I was...