Day 93 of Wonder
These exquisite minute hot pink flowers stopped me in my tracks this morning. If there whole aim in life was to attract attention and be...

Day 92 of Wonder
“When you don't cover up the world with words and labels, a sense of the miraculous returns to your life that was lost a long time ago...

Day 91 of Wonder
I can't help but wonder what this book is really for. A list of places to see before I die seems a very personal one. But here, in a...

Day 90 of Wonder
The idea of daily wonder was to seek out each day something/anything that touched me with a sense of wonder. Some days have been filled...

Day 89 of Wonder
After a high wind storm that battered the region, the morning air was filled with a new energy. It's as if the world is put through a...

Day 88 of Wonder
The sky lay out before us in sweeping colours of grey with patches of blue and white. Our eyes squinted to see the horizon, a distant...

Day 87 of Wonder
Underneath the still bare vines a riotous flourish of colour and organic life spring forth. Again, it's the tiny denizens of life that...

Day 86 of Wonder
In a sea of greys and browns these bright little daubs of red sprouting with exuberance into a new leafy home caught me completely by...

Day 85 of Wonder
The half way point of a bike ride that took us over hills, across plains and plateaus, skimming beside creeks nestled in tight valleys,...

Day 84 of Wonder
The magic of digital cameras and easy to use editing tools allows ordinary photos to become something other-worldly. A snapshot...