Day 156 of Wonder
I don't really know what to say about this rose. Every petal is a work of art. The whole luscious cluster of petals form a stunning rose...

Day 155 of Wonder
"Nothing exists until or unless it is observed. An artist is making something exist by observing it. And his hope for other people is...

Day 154 of Wonder
Two summers ago, late in the season I saw this guy, in the same orchard field, lying on his side. My first instinct had been concern, but...

Day 153 of Wonder
I never get tired of seeing trees highlighted against a blue sky. The crispness of the air this morning added sharp lines to each branch...

Day 152 of Wonder
I left the house with the sun shining and the promise of a light and bright day. What I hadn't noticed till I skirted the top of the rise...

Day 151 of Wonder
"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens." - Carl...

Day 150 of Wonder
The imminent storms forecast since Friday have only just arrived in this part of Germany this evening. Instead of planning hikes, bike...

Day 149 of Wonder
Brooding clouds are always magical. Recently I became aware that despite their deceptive lightness, rain clouds can be excessively heavy....

Day 148 of Wonder
It's been called Germany's Tuscany by some and I can see why. The energy, wide open sky, acres of vineyards, orchards and flowering...

Day 147 of Wonder
A morning cup of tea is an essential element to my day. If I can have it while reading a book in bed, even better. Even when I have had...